Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Is it a crime to love?
Or is it a crime to hate?
Both natural and vivid.
One can't hide both
As driven by emotion

Love and hate exist
Visible and invisible
Antithesis phenomena
One sweet; the other bitter
But both give experience

How can one hate love
Or take it as a crime
When being shown
By the folk the other hates?
What if hate is shown

To the antithesis?
Will he repel it
Or accept it?
Then love can't be hate
It can't be thrown away,

Love is to be exchanged
Not with hate but with love
Equal to its giver
If not more, but no less.
Love the love that loves,

But not to hate who loves,
Pay honour to love
And have it as life
Absorbed and nurtured
To the fullest growth

Not to cut its throat,
Not to cripple it
Not to dissect it
Not to oppress it,
For that leads to mortality.

Embrace it more,
Water it and air it,
Treat it as one's soul;
Caress it and treasure it,
For it gives life to you.

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